Organ of the International Communist Party
Summary and articles of "Proletarian"
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[ Articles and texts not published in our printed publications ]
N° 22 (February 2025):
N° 21 (Spring-Summer 2024):
War in Gaza, War in Ukraine, « War Economy »... Capitalism is War, War on Capitalism!
Argentina: Milei’s Victory Ensures Continued Misery and Intensified Repression of Proletarians
France Supplement: 2023 : The Fight Against Attacks on Pensions Reveals the Absolute Need for a Classist Orientation :
The Struggle Against Pension Reform in France: Lessons from a Defeat
Class Methods, Means and Objectives: What Is It Actually About?
No to the Mystification of “Social Dialogue”! Yes to Proletarian Class Struggle!
The Government Continues Its Attacks While the Trade Unions Isolate and Sabotage the Struggles
N° 20 (Autumn-Winter 2023):
France. The Fight against Police Violence Can only Be Waged on Anti-Capitalist Bases!
Spain. Metalworkers’ Strike in Vigo. To Win, Proletarians Must Learn the Lessons of their Defeats
Venezuela. The only Way Out for the Proletarians: Class Struggle
Brazil. 100 Days of Lula Government in the Service of Capitalism
50 Years ago, Reformism Led the Chilean Proletariat to the Slaughterhouse
N° 19 (Autumn 2022):
Bordiga Amadeo: Socialism and the "Defense of the Nation" (Avanti!, December 21, 1914)
Imperialist War in Ukraine:
War in Ukraine: the Disgusting Opportunism of the “Mouvement Communiste-Kolektivně proti Kapitálu”
N° 18 (Winter 2021-2022):
Americans withdraw from Afghanistan to have a free hand elsewhere
Longshoremen’s strike at the port of Montreal: workers once again crushed by special laws
Coup d’état in Sudan : Tragical dead end of inter-class democratism
Class solidarity with the proletarians and the oppressed Palestinian masses!
Italy. Against the obligation of the “green pass” for all workers!
N° 17 (Spring 2021):
January 6, 2021, Washington: a dark day for the Capitol, symbol of American democracy
United States: No to the legal assassination of Mumia Abu-Jamal! Life and freedom! Class solidarity!
Paraguay: Proletarian revolt against the capitalist management of the pandemic
Beirut: Capitalism is the murderer! It is capitalism that must be fought and overthrown!
France: Police brutality is only the other face of bourgeois democracy
N° 16 (Spring-Summer 2020):
United States: City revolts after Minneapolis police murders african american George Floyd
Nature, Function and Tactics of the Revolutionary Party of the Working Class (1945)
Finland: Wave of Strikes in the «Happiest Country in the World»
In Sudan, interclassism and democratism are getting the revolt defeated
N° 15 (Winter 2018):
Brazil caught between economic crisis, political rivalries and class struggle
Nicaragua: The bloody end of Sandinism and the need for a class struggle orientation
Energy, Ports, Plantations: Flaming up of Workers’ Combativity in Sri Lanka
Haiti. The proletarians of the textile industry confront the bosses, the State and their henchmen
When the ICC “polemicizes” it is in order to evade the issue!
N° 14 (Autumn - Winter 2017):
The beacon of October 1917 illuminates the way to the revolution of tomorrow
Standing Rock (North Dakota, USA): Ecology against class struggle
Venezuela: The New Constituent Assembly is just so much smoke and mirrors in the eyes of proletariat
Attacks in Barcelona. Jihadist terrorism and democracy, two flags of the bourgeoisie
London: the Grenfell Tower was completely reduced to ashes. Thanks to real estate speculation!
The Spartacists, from the defense of Soviet imperialism to the defense of doping
N° 13 (Autumn - Winter 2016):
Mexico: Bloody bourgeois Repression and the «Danse Macabre» of the «Far» Left
«Dirty» Duterte. The Bloody New Face of Bourgeois Democracy in the Philippines
Referendum on Europe: British Proletarians Have no Side to Support!
N° 12 (Autumn-Winter 2015):
Attaks in Paris: Capitalism is responsible. Class war against capitalism!
Greece. Against reformist illusions, for independent class struggle!
50 years after the wave of black revolts in the United States, the riots in Baltimore
Killings of journalists in France. Down With The Union Sacrée! Down With The Bourgeois Republic! No To Religious Wars, No To Imperialist Democracy, Yes To The Class War Against Capitalism!
N° 11 (Winter-Spring 2015):
For anti-capitalist class struggle! For the international communist revolution!
The Immediate Revolutionary Program (General Meeting of Forli, December 28th 1952)
Ukraine: The fall of Yanukovych will not solve the problems of the proletarian masses
The Algerian Trotskyists in the mirror of the presidential election
N° 10 (Winter-Spring 2014):
The «Charter of Québécois Values», an anti-proletarian charter
On some political reactions to the impeachment of President Morsi by the Egyptian army
Down with the French military interventions in the Central African Republic!
Slaughter of Proletarians in Bangladesh: Capitalism is the Assassin!
The “Invariance” of Marxism (2). (General Meeting of the Party, Milan september 1952)
The proletarian suburbs of Stockholm explode against a society that defends only Capital, plunging the majority of proletarian youth, indigenous or immigrant, into misery and despair. The solution is the class struggle that brings the workers together, regardless of their age, gender, race and nationality, in defense of human society against the society of money and commodities!
France: The Autoworkers of Renault-Cleon caught between the employers hammer and the union anvil
N° 9 (Winter 2012-2013):
The wave of strikes in South Africa demonstrates the need for class organization!
The «Invariance» of Marxism (1). (General Meeting of the Party, Milan september 1952)
On the Mouvement Etudiant Révolutionnaire (MER). «Revolutionary Student Movement»: Reformist Petty-bourgeois Movement
Spain. The strike of the Asturian miners and the metal-workers of Vigo: For the uncompromising defense of the living conditions of the proletariat! For struggle with classist means and methods!
Cease-fire in Gaza: Imperialism Means Only Truces Between Endless Wars.
No to French Imperialist Military Intervention in Mali!
(See also in addition our tract «Down with French military intervention in Mali! Down with French imperialism!»)
N° 8 (Spring 2012):
Fever on the Stock and Financial Markets: Sign of Relapse of the World Economy
Egypt amidst bloody military repression, islamist reaction and workers’ struggles
N° 7 (Summer 2011):
Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Syria ... The mass mobilizations can bring down governments, but capitalist domination can only be really threatened by the proletarian class struggle, independent and internationalist
Egypt: Mubarak has fallen, the capitalist regime and the bourgeois State remain
N° 6 (Autumn - Winter 2010):
The Proletarian Class Party and the current economic Crisis of global Capitalism
State Terrorism and Massacres: constant Characteristics of the Policy of the Israeli Bourgeoisie
Greece: Blood and tears for the proletariat! That’s the remedy to all the bourgeoisies of the world against the crisis!
Capitalism has an overwhelming responsibility in the disaster provoked by the earthquake in Haiti!
Trotskyists and the class nature of the USSR. The Charlatanry of the Spartacists
N° 5 (November 2009):
Iran: The confrontation between the armored democracy of the rulers and the tepid petit-bourgeois reformism of the opposition is the result of the acute rivalries between bourgeois factions. For the Iranian proletariat, there is no other issue than the struggle on the class terrain in the perspective of the proletarian revolution!
China 1927: The Stalinist Counter-revolution leads the Chinese Proletarians to Massacre
Swine Flu and the Working Class
European Elections: Once again the Democratic Lie!
To defend ourselves against the capitalist Crisis there is only one Solution: The Resumption of the Class Struggle!
A propos Solidarity with the Palestinian Masses: The impasse of the concrete and the immediate
N° 4 (November 2008):
Despite its crises Capitalism will only collapse under the blows of the proletarian struggle!
The sole historical Perspective: World War or Communist Revolution !
Venezuela: Chronicle of a very Bourgeois “Bolivarian Revolution»
For a Proletarian, Class Struggle May Day !
For generalized Class Struggle to defeat the generalized Attacks on the Proletariat !
Down With French Imperialism!
No to French Military Intervention in Chad!
Africa : Solidarity with the Struggles and the Riots against the high Cost of Living in Africa !
Proletarian Solidarity against the Repression in Cameroon !
Italy : Workers killed at Thyssen Krupp in Turin
N° 3 (October 2007):
Canadian Imperialism Out of Afghanistan!
The only Way forward for the Palestinian Masses: Proletarian Struggle!
The Struggles in Guinea:
The Workers Struggle in Guinea-Conakry
Solidarity with the General Strike in Guinea!
The Army Requisitions all the Workers!
The General Strike Continues!
The Trade-Union Chiefs Liquidate the General Strike!
Against the repression in Oaxaca, Anti-capitalist class struggle!
France :
Down with the Electoral Circus. Long Live The Revolutionary Struggle!
For a Return to the Class Struggle. No to the Union Sacree behind the PS!
In the Public as in the Private: For Class Struggle against Capitalist Attacks!
N° 2 (September 2006):
The mission of the UN blue helmets is purely imperialist.No Troops to Lebanon !
Palestine, Lebanon: Zionism Assassin, Imperialism Accomplice!
To our readers
To the Workers of Israel, to the Workers of Palestine, to the Workers of Europe and America!
The New Orleans Catastrophe: Capitalism, the Economics of Misery and Despair!
The Struggles in France
Union Sacrée to Condemn the Revolt of the Banlieues
Proletarian Anger and Violence in the Suburbs Promise Future Social
No to the CPE! Class Fightback against the Capitalist Attacks !
Against the CPE and all Bourgeois Attacks, one Solution: The Anticapitalist Class Struggle!
The Abolition of Wage Labor means the Abolition of Production for the Sake of Production
N° 1 (February 2002):
To our readers
Against the Imperialist War in Chechnya. The Russian Workers Must Break with Their Bourgeois Chechnyan War by reviving the daily Struggle in the Factories, the Cities and the Country
International Communist Party